

SECRET QUOTAS of the ADMISSION PEAK at the 2017, a coalition of 64 Asian- American groups has filled a complaint against HARVARD for discriminating against Asian-American kids in admission. The conflict between the applicators and the school admission rate reflect a bias about race, and in fact, it is not only questioning about the avoidance toward Asian- American students, but it is discriminating in favor of Black and Hispanic. According to the complaint filled with the U.S Department of Education Office's for Civil Rights, revealed that the SAT/ACT requires Asian-American students to gain 140 points higher than white, 270 higher than Hispanic, and 450 higher than African-American students. In addition, from a freshman studied in Montana High School, Cuppertino, in which the rate of Asian American residence is high, he alleged that when he applied for famous school as UCLA and BERKELEY, they rejected his application by another African-American kids who has a lower GPA an

Failed Education System

10 Reasons the Education System is Failing Throughout the U.S. the education system has changed for the better or for the worst, and in many cases it has had a negative effect on students. In many cases parents/ guardians don't contribute to their child's education and expect the teacher to do the work for them, parents should get involved with their children's education to prepare them for future obstacles. Due to financial problems a lot of schools are getting shut down and many teachers are losing their jobs, resulting in the lack of education for students. technology has been a huge factor in the 21st century, but it also causes distractions and gets in the way of academic learning. The biggest problem our education system is failing would be the fact that students do not know what to do after they graduate high school, some go straight to work thinking that money is the most important thing to do, but what they don't know is that education would take them a long

College Football Coach Salaries

There's no doubt that for many people, football is a big part of your life. Not just as a player, or as a coach, but also as a spectator of the sport, football is the type of thing that can bring entire communities together. That said, some may say it only seems fair that campuses in the US spends millions of dollars every year on contracts for football coaches. While I believe that the culture around sports is extremely important and should definitely be invested, there is still a point where I question whether or not the money spent on coaches salaries would be better if invested elsewhere. With the highest paid coach receiving a total pay of just over $11,000,000 and the lowest being about $375,000, I can definitely wonder what that money could be invested into. Coaches should by all means receive decent salaries, it's not easy work and can definitely be stressful, but that campuses should find other ways to invest into college athletics besides hefty contracts to coaches.
College Tuition Rising In the article, “Is College Tuition Really Too High?” it claims how the in1974 college was just about $2,000 per year for a private university and it was affordable with some scrimping to any family and even median earners. It then goes to show the tuition for private college per year now and it has increased dramatically, to the point where the median family can't even pursue higher education and this is a problem except to the very richest. Private college tuition now is $31,000. This has become a political issue and many former presidents have made a comment on this on how they will tackle this problem but it's not as easy as it looks. They have claimed that higher education ripples through the economy in fact deciding who will thrive and who will fail. To those who make it through higher education have found that college has a great impact on them and also the people a

Choosing major

Jiaying Li, Yinglin Hu Choosing major is a problem that all college students will face. Some students tend to choose the major they are interested in but some students choose the major that is more useful to them in the future. When you are choosing your major which factor you consider most, interest or future or others?

Technology's Effects on Education As technology is constantly being improved, it brings many benefits for modern society but at the same time it is causing many of problems. For instance, while statistics show that children are becoming more advanced in most aspects of better education, technology still have several drawbacks for learning. Reduced attention spans and the need for immediate satisfaction are detrimental to student's work ethic, believed to be caused by overexposure to electronic devices. According to the article, though 75% of teacher think that the search engine and the internet had a “mostly positive” impact on student research skills, yet 90% said that digital technologies were creating “an easily distracted generation with short attention spans.” Search engines provide information almost immediately to students when looking for references, however may too easily grant immediate satisfaction w
Understanding the American Education System Qingyang Chen The American education system offers a rich field of choices for international students. There is such an array of schools, programs and locations that the choices may overwhelm students, even those from the U.S. As you begin your school search, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the American education system. Understanding the system will help you narrow your choices and develop your education plan. GRADING SYSTEM Just like American students, you will have to submit your academic transcripts as part of your application for admission to university or college. Academic transcripts are official copies of your academic work. In the U.S. this includes your “grades” and “grade point average” (GPA), which are measurements of your academic achievement. Courses are commonly graded using percentages, which are converted into letter grades. The grading system and GPA in the U.S. can be confusing, especially fo